Well hello everyone,
You may or may not know that I also coach young athletes on two different basketball teams. The months between October and March, and especially January through March, tend to be very busy as I juggle my work schedule, my coaching schedule and try to keep my head above water on other projects.
The work I do for the members of the Vasculitis Foundation never stops, but during these months I am a bit less active than at other times. I beg your forgiveness for any perceived lapses, and I assure you I am available if you should need help with anything. Mostly that means if you want to talk, just reach out to me and I will make time for you personally.
I learned yesterday about another young patient. There is a boy, 13 years old in El Paso, TX, who has been diagnosed with Wegeners Granulomatotis. Even though El Paso is almost 5 hours away by car, I have invited them to participate in our chapter, which is the closest. In addition to Haley, 11, and Meaghan, 18, we have a few young adults in this chapter alone.
PS - Bonnie in Taos, no longer has the distinction of being the longest distance member of our chapter. Sorry Bonnie, but we still love you and I would love to hear how you are doing.
I would also like to introduce a simple idea at the next meeting. What if we do one awareness event, even a simple thing, every month this year? We can think about a larger event for Awareness Week, but if we do one simple thing every month, then we will be spreading awareness. Start thinking of ideas folks, because to do this right I will need your help and the help of your family members. Nothing complicated, but I think we need to adopt a Just Do It attitude about awareness.
Our next meeting is on January 20th at 7PM. We will continue to meet at the Deli-Berry restaurant on Juan Tabo Blvd NE since that has been a comfortable place to meet and I personally love the food there. The sandwiches are great, or people can stick to coffee and tea, which are also excellent. Details about location, etc, are on the website http://www.nmvasculitis.org.
At the next meeting, in eleven days, whoever attends will plan something to do before the next meeting. Why not come join me and put your cards on the table too? Together we can think of something to do to promote awareness about vasculitis. I may introduce some suggestions in a later post, but for now, put your thinking caps on.
For example, here is one of mine... I would like to coordinate an art campaign. This chapter needs a logo, and I would like to inspire some artists to help create awareness posters with a Southwestern theme that I can then post at various businesses to help put the awareness message in front of the public eye. If you are an artist, and this appeals to you, please consider putting forward your best foot and showing us what you've got.
Everyone else, even if you do not plan to attend the meeting, send me your ideas please.
See you later alligators!
: Joseph Carpenter