Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Caregivers Online Group Forming

This new group will initially be Email based, with some tentative plans for a secure forum archive later. This is in the works, and will be available soon. Tell your spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, adult children, and whomever has been helping you keep track of your medications... Their voice will be heard.

You have seen the online groups for patients, like Vasculitis Survivors, and CSSISG, and Saavy, which are also visited by caregivers. No reason to stop participating in those places. But some issues are specific to caregivers and caregivers are supposed to be strong and not unload on the patients, right? Well, at least there are some thoughts and feeling we deal with they are better of not knowing.

We caregivers have our own special needs that require care and feeding, or chicken soup for the soul, or sometimes just a compassionate ear attached to someone who understands.

Soon, Autoimmune Vasculitis Caregivers will have a place to call their own. A place to laugh, cry, and lift each other up... virtually... and if kind words mean anything, literally too.

When it is up and running, caregivers can look forward to more posts like this one:

Caregiver depression: Prevention counts
Caregiver depression — Find out how to prevent and cope with caregiver depression.

For the latest health information, sign up for Housecall, Mayo Clinic's free weekly e-newsletter.
Sign up for Housecall

Stay tuned. NMVasculitis.org will announce it when it arrives.

: Joseph

Update: The group I just mentioned has been created. Caregivers can find it here:

Autoimmune Vasculitis Caregivers

Second Update:

The powers that be are discussing the specifics of how to set up this forum. It is live and will go online for general use, but not yet. When all the questions have been answered, I will post an update.

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