Monday, May 17, 2010

NMVasculitis Google Groups will be open to a wider public

I seem to get more feedback about the NMVasculitis website from people in other parts of the country than I do from anyone living in New Mexico.

I rarely hear from any of you about how you are doing, so I guess I could make more of an effort to reach out to you people. I would like to know. I would like to see you contacting each other more often for support as well. Maybe we should stop going to restaurants and start going to each others houses. I may pass the hosting chore on to you as a baton we can share. Do you think this would encourage more people to participate?

In the meantime, what was intended to be a sort of "private corner" sits unused unless I send something out. I think one other person has posted besides myself.

So, I am going to make it easier for people to sign up in hopes that a wider audience will come into the circle and contribute their ideas and experiences for the benefit of all. The mailing list will still be moderated, and I will still approve registrations, but I am allowing more people to participate here.

Be aware that with the mailing list changes the online membership will grow, and it may not remain exclusively a New Mexico mailing list. I do not know how many might choose to sign up, but NM Patients will remain the primary focus, so any local articles about our doctors, our hospitals, and how our climate affects you and your vasculitis... are certainly welcome. Please share what you know.

I originally hoped the patient members would be more active, and help contribute content to this website by sharing articles they read in the papers, magazines, etc. and relating significant facts they learn from their doctors. It seems people are either shy, or selfish, with this information, and do not feel compelled to share with the group as I thought they might.

I will try to do better myself by reposting the best of what I see in other news groups to keep this venue more interesting.

Last, but by no means least... Please let us know how you are doing!

Joseph Carpenter
Parent, daughter with CSS (DX March '08)

Email, Fax, Phone and Postal mail:
Central NM Vasculitis Foundation Chapter -
Vasculitis Foundation -
Churg-Strauss Syndrome Association -

Mark Your Calendars for the 2010 All Star Vasculitis Patient Symposium - July 30-August 1, 2010

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