What can you do?
CAN you talk? Then tell everyone you meet about the Vasculitis Foundation. What it is, what they do, and why they should contribute.CAN you walk, roll, hop, or crawl? Get your own Vasculitis Foundation T-Shirt and wear it proudly anytime you are out and about. When people ask you what it is, tell them. If you attend a fun run, wear your Vasculitis Foundation gear instead of their T-Shirt. You can wear that later. When people ask you why, tell them.
CAN you drive? Consider putting a Vasculitis Foundation bumper sticker on your car. Spread awareness while driving around town. Give them to your friends and family as well.
CAN you involve friends and family? When they ask if there is anything they can do, and you usually say no... stop telling them no. Instead tell them to consider making a contribution by becoming a member of the Vasculitis Foundation, then donate, volunteer, and advocate for vasculitis patients every day.
You CAN tell people about vasculitis. The power of one voice is stronger than you may know. Tell people about vasculitis everywhere you go. Get some brochures from your chapter leader and pass them out at your doctors office, and give them to people you meet. You tell one person, then they mention it to others, and awareness spreads like a virus. Together, we can make a difference.
You can get your Vasculitis Foundation Official T-Shirts, bumper stickers, and other gear from the VF Store: https://contribute.vasculitisfoundation.org/store
May Chapter Meeting Coming Up on May 12, 2012
This is Vasculitis Awareness Month. What to talk about it? Why not show your awareness by coming to a chapter meeting!Every second Saturday at 3PM we meet at:
Deli-Berry, 2520 Juan Tabo Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM. MAP
For more information:
Contact your chapter leader, Joseph Carpenter. He really would like to hear from you anyway. Awareness is better when shared.Joseph Carpenter
Send Joseph Email
or use the Call Me widget in the chapter blog:
Additional Educational links and resources available at:
(Moving soon - to be incorporated into http://www.vasculitisfoundation.org/