Or, if 20 people donated $30, we could do an event like this and reach out to thousands of health conscious New Mexicans.
Would any of you patients, caregivers or friends be willing to volunteer your time to man the booth?
If not this year, then please consider this for next year.
Plan B:
You all should go to this event to learn about health resources in New Mexico. So....
If we cannot attend as Exhibitors this year, then I encourage all of you to go as attendees and wear your Vasculitis Foundation T-Shirts. If you know you are going, then come to the January meeting and I can give you one of the few older T-Shirts I have left, or you can purchase Awareness gear from the VF online store. Those proceeds benefit you indirectly, so don't be shy.
Try to engage some of these other organizations in a dialogue about vasculitis. Tell them about the local chapter and direct them to our local chapter website. Perhaps we can form more active partnerships with local organizations for the future, so our chapter gets invited to more events like this one. Or maybe we can start getting more press, when the media wants to write about health related issues.
Joseph Carpenter
Parent, daughter with CSS (DX March '08)
Central NM Vasculitis Foundation Chapter
See us on the web: http://www.nmvasculitis.org - http://www.
Or, call Joseph Carpenter at (505) 255-1366 for more information.

Your Ticket to a Healthier Life!
You can be a part of the largest and most comprehensive Health Fair in New Mexico. We saw some 10,000 health-conscience New Mexicans attend the 2009 Eyewitness New 4 Health Fair and we are already expanding for 2010.
Our show hours are:
Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Lujan Exhibit Hall at Expo New Mexico (State Fairgrounds)
As an Exhibitor you will receive:

Total Investment: $550.00 + Sales Tax (6.875%) = $587.81
$250 deposit per booth with application due by December 1, 2009.
How to apply:
1. - View the Booth Layout Map and choose your preferred booth location.
2. - Fill out the Application below and click "Send."
3. - A representative will contact you regarding payment.
For questions, you may contact Joan Lucas, Public Affairs Director, at (505) 764-2490 or jlucas@kob.com.